Instagram for Business is a Contender for Brand Power

Instagram for Business is a Contender for Brand Power

July 16, 2015 by Holly Rollins

10xinstagramboxglovesIn a world full of social media, it can be difficult to know which platforms are best for your particular company. Many Business to Business (BtoB) companies use LinkedIn and Twitter to share updates, but Instagram is one of the few platforms companies are either learning about or don’t use regularly–especially in the BtoB world. Since Instagram is a highly-visual storytelling platform, it’s a natural for consumer marketing. But actually most businesses should consider it for brand awareness as long as you can gain followers and post compelling images and stories in sync with your content marketing.

Tips for Business Instagram:

1. Think about how you want to use Instagram. Are you changing a brand message or simply trying to appeal to a new audience? Moving forward with a goal in mind will help you fully use Instagram’s visual, creative audience.

2. Simply get started. Here’s a primer from Instagram.

3. Tell a story. Successful and engaging content marketing is all about communicating your story. Stories usually paint vivid pictures — perfect for Instagram. Benchmark others in your industry or be a pioneer in your industry or location—get creative, but always use you brand’s messaging that is consistent with your other marketing strategies.

4. For more tips about using Instagram for business, click here.

When You Are More than a Novice: Managing Multiple Accounts

Running multiple Instagram accounts isn’t as easy as you’d think. Instagram still doesn’t allow multiple sign-ins for accounts, nor does it have a native tool that makes running multiple accounts easy. There are emerging apps, however, that can make running business Instagrams easier.

Fotogramme: This apps allows users to switch between accounts with ease. Although it gives access to the accounts, it doesn’t allow the user to upload and post photos. This must be done through the individual accounts.

Multigram and Gramatica: Multigram and Gramatica are very similar to Fotogramme, except they allow you to upload and post photos while switching accounts. To date these apps are only $1.99.

When you’ve got multiple accounts to manage, staying on top of comments can also be tricky. Instacommenter, an app available for $.99, tells you when you receive a new comment from a follower and prompts you to respond to it.

For more helpful tips about using Instagram for business, click here.